Tiny met Santa...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем ™=.В.Е.В.=™, 13 янв 2010.

  1. ™=.В.Е.В.=™

    ™=.В.Е.В.=™ New Member

    Tiny met Santa Clays in the forest two days ago к ниму вопросы
  2. Orctos

    Orctos New Member

    When did Tiny meet Santa Claus in the forest?
    Who did meet Santa Claus in the forest two days ago?
    Whom did Tiny meet in the forest two days ago?
    Where did Tiny meet Santa Claus two days ago?
    Tiny met Santa Claus in the forest two days ago, did not he? 

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