We want to...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Teply, 27 янв 2010.

  1. Teply

    Teply New Member

    We want to make our hometown better organising different charity projects. We are always looking forward doing different charity projects. My friendscontribute donating money to different charities. We have many ideas raising money for charity. We help supporting the needy people. We spend the raising money cleaning the school playground . I help the local charity club planting trees and flowers. I cant do picking up litter. I am never bored doing different charity projects. I like to be involved getting money for the work. I want to invite all children to take part
  2. Osmi

    Osmi New Member

    We want to make our hometown better  in organising different charity projects. We are always looking forward and doing different charity projects. My friends contribute donating money to different charities. We have many ideas to raising money for charity. We help supporting to the needy people. We spend the raising money for cleaning the school playground . I help the local charity club to   planting trees and flowers. I cant do picking up litter. I am never bored to doing different charity projects. I like to be involved to  getting money for the work. I want to invite all children to take p

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