Write definition for...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Yulianna, 10 янв 2010.

  1. Yulianna

    Yulianna New Member

    Write definition for the words mural. abstract. gallery. nude. portrait. exhibiton. sculpure. still life. landscape
  2. spidometr777

    spidometr777 New Member

    Mural - a large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or a ceiling;
    Abstract - theoretical, not applied or practical;
    Gallery - a public building to accommodate spectators, exhibits etc;
    Nude - naked or a light grayish-yellow brown;
    Portrait - a painting of a person, or a photograph;
    Exhibition - a public display of the works of artists, the products of farms or factories;
    Sculpture - a work of art of carving, modeling, welding;
    Still life - a presentation of inanimate objects;
    Landscape - a picture representing natural inland

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