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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем swan1982, 24 янв 2010.

  1. swan1982

    swan1982 New Member

    Поставьте глаголы в предложениях в вопросительную и отрицательные формы. 1.My friend entered the Medical College a year ago. 2.She takesher entrance examinations.
  2. Gennady05

    Gennady05 New Member

    1)My friend didn't enter the Medical College a year ago.
    Did my friend enter the Medical College a year ago?
    2)She doesn't take her entrance examinations.
    Does she take her entrance examinations?
    3)He won't become a student next year.
    Will he become a student next year?
    4)My friend doesn't get an increased stipend.
    Does my friend get an increased stipend?
    5)She wasn't interested in this report.
    Was she interested in this report?
    6)They don't work as doctors.
    Do they work as doctors?

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