помогите пожалуйста,нужна какая-нибудь...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем LSD8958, 22 янв 2010.

  1. LSD8958

    LSD8958 New Member

    помогите пожалуйста,нужна какая-нибудь история на английском(забавная)а в голову ничего не лезет...напишите историюPLEASE!!!
  2. TumanBes

    TumanBes New Member

    Very amused! 
    One friend told him. Friend gave iguana. However, he believed it to be a piece of furniture: fed, watered without any lyrics. And one day she grabbed his finger. The first reaction - "... those ... schA I like! .." And then looks, and it is so sad to watch him faithfully, climbed out of the tank and let him hang around the house on a step does not deviate in eyes stare: "I'm sorry they say, boss, I'm sorry." He has already touched.In the morning wake up and iguana sitting next to him ... all night never left, looks sad. Buddy was so inspired, what a sensitive and caring in his pet. However, the finger had not received and also swollen. He iguana in his arms and the doctor. It became clear that this kind of iguanas poisonous venom only have very weak, so they at first bite, and then stupidly takes his victim and wait until she dies.

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